MPBA is currently seeking to fill three staff positions.

The following is a list of the current positions that are being sought out by our association.

Metro Peoria Baptist Association

Strategists and Administrator Job Descriptions

Overview: The following positions will collaborate, coordinate, and communicate with each other. They will be accountable to the Administrative Team and report to them at regularly scheduled meetings and will also report to the Annual Meeting. Each one will provide a budget projection to the Administrative Team for the development of a comprehensive annual budget. The Associational Administrator has their own duties and does not work for either of the two Strategists. Professional expenses will be covered apart from salary for each one.

Church Health Strategist:

Approximately 10 hours/week is expected; Compensation: $15,000/year

Gives leadership and oversight to the development of thriving churches.

Responsibilities include:

  • Identify leadership needs; and implement, communicate, and promote training opportunities

  • Be a resource for churches seeking revitalization

  • Consult with churches needing a pastor

  • Cultivate relationships with pastors for support and encouragement

  • Consult with pastors needing help with specific issues

  • Counsel with pastors needing pastoral care

  • Construct and oversee Church Health budget

  • Communicate activities to Admin Team and association at regular meetings

Missions Mobilization Strategist:

Approximately 10 hours/week is expected; Compensation: $15,000/year

Promotes participation of member churches in reaching West Central Illinois and beyond.

Responsibilities include:

  • Challenge churches to be missional

  • Construct a comprehensive mission strategy for the association

  • Communicate and promote mission opportunities – locally, nationally, and internationally

  • Coordinate local mission projects

  • Collaborate with churches and partners

  • Compile potential church plant locations

  • Cultivate relationships with potential SEND churches and planters

  • Coach church planters

  • Construct and oversee Missions Mobilization budget

  • Communicate activities to Admin Team and association at regular meetings

Associational Administrator:

Approximately 8 hours/week average is expected; Compensation: $10,000/year

Responsible for giving oversight and carrying out the administrative tasks of the association.

Responsibilities include:

  • Receive all bills and expenses and submit vouchers to the Treasurer for payment

  • Receive contributions and provide Treasurer with deposit vouchers

  • Ensure the distribution and completion of the Annual Church Profile (ACP) to member churches

  • Compile and print the agenda, minutes, budget, etc., for the annual meeting and retain copies of these

  • Fill out and file “General Not For Profit Corporation Act Annual Report” with the State of Illinois

  • Serve as the contact person for the association

  • Communicate activities to Admin Team and association at regular meetings

  • Oversee the maintenance of the website with input from each strategist

  • Compile an electronic newsletter to be sent to all association churches with input from each strategist

  • Inform member churches of upcoming events with input from each strategist


Southern Baptist Convention


July News—Letter from Moderator Mark Byers