Upcoming events.
Pastor Lunch at La Fiesta in Morton
All Pastors, Lay Preachers, Retired Pastors, and Missionaries are invited to our monthly fellowship. February we will meet at Portillos in Peoria. We hope to see you there!
Pastor Lunch at Culvers in East Peoria
All Pastors, Lay Preachers, Retired Pastors, and Missionaries are invited to our monthly fellowship. February we will meet at Portillos in Peoria. We hope to see you there!

All Church Training
ALL CHURCH TRAINING is a tune-up for your church’s core ministries.

Demo Project
Some light construction in helping Gospel Life Church renovate its sanctuary and some classrooms. Dry wall tear out and replacement. Also, will be a some clean-up of materials. Will end on Saturday by noon.

Demo Project
Helping Gospel Life Church of Washington (formerly First Baptist of Washington) with some minor construction projects. Drywall tear out and replacing.