MPBA Churches without Pastors

As of December 29 we have added University Baptist Church of Macomb to the list of churches without pastors. Currently, we have six churches that are without Pastors. Fortunately, we were able to take River Terrace Cornerstone Church off that list as they had called Hugo Alcantara to be their pastor. The current list follows.

  • University Baptist Church, Macomb

  • Liberty Baptist Church, Pekin

  • Manito Southern Baptist Church, Manito

  • MacArthur Drive Baptist Church, Pekin

  • Road to Freedom Baptist Church, Galesburg

  • Hamilton First Baptist Church, Hamilton

If you are interested in applying or know someone interested, you can send resumes to our email address HERE!

Additionally, if you are able to provide pulpit supply for any of these churches, please inform me at 217-260-7141


January 2025 News


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