January 2025 News

Dear MPBA Churches,

I trust that you all had a blessed holiday season. There have been many illnesses going around, and I know that has impacted our worship attendance. I want you to know that we are praying for you going into this new year.

Please note our upcoming pastor’s lunch on January 14. Any pastor, associate/youth pastor, missionary, or pulpit supply preacher is invited to attend. I know that the times we have set do not meet everyone’s schedule. We will work to connect with as many pastors as we can this year.

Looking forward. A men’s discipleship ministry led by Tom Cheshire will be hosting a Men’s Conference (Iron Sharpens Iron) in March. Tom, a Southern Baptist who attends Delta Church in Springfield is a passionate leader. I strongly encourage you to consider taking some men to this one-day Iron Sharpens Iron Conference (March 16 in Springfield). It is well worth your time. Click this LINK to get more information.

I talked with Tom about the possibility of having a Men’s Conference closer to the Peoria Area in the future, as the Springfield Conference was already quite crowded last year. However, this is still quite tentative! We need to REACH and ENGAGE MEN!

Think and pray now about your VBS plans for this summer. The Journey church will be hosting our VBS Clinic on March 22nd.

EASTER. Easter is on April 20th. While it’s still a few months away, now is the time to pray about how we can make this the best Easter ever. Do you have a choir, praise team, or something special planned to make that Sunday extraordinary? It's a fantastic opportunity to reach people with the gospel.

At the time of writing this, I am preparing to subscribe our Association to the Bless Every Home service. This service will help us get information on every home within our outreach area. We can pray for our neighbors by name and send them special invitations, nurturing a path to friendship and, ultimately, to Christ.

If you are interested in setting up a Pray, Care, Share, Disciple campaign for your church this Easter, please let me know.

If you have any upcoming events or any news that you would like to share with the Association we would be happy to include that into our monthly e-letter. Keep praying for one another and May God Richly Bless You!


Pray for our Churches who are seeking Pastors.

  • University Baptist Church, Macomb

  • Liberty Baptist Church, Pekin

  • Manito Southern Baptist Church, Manito

  • MacArthur Drive Baptist Church, Pekin

  • Road to Freedom Baptist Church, Galesburg

  • Hamilton First Baptist Church, Hamilton

If you are interested in applying or know someone interested, you can send resumes to our email address HERE!

Additionally, if you are able to provide pulpit supply for any of these churches, please inform me.


MPBA Churches without Pastors